Hippo… is…

Hey gang,

You have probably wondered and worried about hippo and why he isnt posting. Its because of http://wiglingtontimes.blogspot.com/, his new blog. Check it out, its awesome!


4 Responses to “Hippo… is…”

  1. thanks screechie

  2. ModosaurCarbo Says:

    Well I hope you’ve been checking out the AWESOME Scavenger Hunts in Webosaurs! They are super cool, and there’s a really fantastic Mimo Scavenger Hunt tomorrow with a… wait for it…. 6-month membership up for giveaway! Hope you can make it!

  3. modosaurceno Says:

    Awww Hippo, we miss you in Webosaurs!! I hope you haven’t abandoned us for good. 😉 I have a feeling December is going to be full of cool, new stuff, so I really, really hope we’ll be seeing you on the Island soon!

  4. I’ll be logging on every once in a while. Just not blogging.

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